“God has not given a spirit of fear; but of power, love, and sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7
February 28, 2024
HR 28: Resolving to Restore Marriage
Ten years ago, before the Obergefell v. Hodges decision to change the definition of “marriage”, Justice Clarence Thomas cautioned against judicial overreach, stating in opposition:
"The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court’s precedent. The Court invalidates the marriage laws of more than half the States and orders the transformation of a social institution that has formed the basis of human society for millennia."
This decision not only bypassed the authority of Congress but also set a precedent that has led to religious persecution. In Kentucky, former Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was jailed and fined $360,000 for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses due to her commitment to Christ.
In Michigan, these concerns have materialized in multiple ways. Christian adoption agencies have been pressured to place children in same-sex households despite deeply held religious convictions. Additionally, Christian businesses, such as event venues, have faced legal penalties for declining to host same-sex weddings.
The consequences of this ruling have contributed to family instability, social consequences, and economic burdens on my constituents:
Absence of Father Figures: Many children raised in same-sex households grow up without a father. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, father absence is the number one predictor of crime.
Financial Strain on Taxpayers: Family instability places a financial burden on taxpayers. In 2021, the federal government spent approximately $2.2 trillion on welfare programs to support families impacted by broken homes.
Psychological and Academic Impact: Children raised outside of natural two-parent households face higher risks of psychological distress and academic struggles (U.S. DHHS, 2014).
Higher Societal Costs: Research overwhelmingly supports that children raised by their biological married parents experience greater educational success, lower rates of delinquency and crime, and a reduced risk of abuse.
Legal Precedents: Family law exists to promote responsible procreation and parental commitment, and courts have long affirmed that states have the authority to define family structures based on biological and marital relationships.
Historical Warnings: Political leaders from both parties, including George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, warned about the societal implications of redefining marriage and the unintended consequences it would bring.
Dysfunctional Communities: Countries that undermine the family structure face lower birth rates, less population growth, weakened national identity, cultural disunity, and increased government intervention due to familial dysfunction.
The Biological and Sociological Basis of the Natural Family: A marriage between a man and woman is the only marriage capable of natural reproduction, forming the foundation for population stability and civilizational continuity.
This week, I introduced House Resolution 28 to urge the Supreme Court to allow Michigan to abide by Article 1, Section 25 of the Michigan Constitution:
“To secure and preserve the benefits of marriage for our society and for future generations of children, the union of one man and one woman in marriage shall be the only agreement recognized as a marriage or similar union for any purpose.”
Whitmer’s Penultimate State of the State
The Governor’s address contained broad proposals but failed to outline funding specifics. She called for an additional $3 billion in road funding but has not identified meaningful budget cuts to offset this cost. Instead, reports indicate she could push to raise the corporate income tax from 6% to 7.5%. This will harm economic growth, drive away investment, raise prices and cost consumers. Who in the world wants more taxes?
A more responsible approach would be to eliminate government waste and redirect funds to critical infrastructure. The Mackinac Center for Public Policy found that Michigan spent $4.7 billion on corporate welfare deals last session—funds that could easily be used to improve roads and public services in the best interest of all Michigan residents.
Vote Record Update
HB 4052-53: Prohibit Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) in Legislative Capacities
YES - I voted in favor of these bills for many reasons:
Accountability to Taxpayers: NDAs have been used in economic development projects to restrict public access to information—taxpayers deserve full transparency in how their money is allocated.
Ethical Governance: The use of NDAs in government deals raises ethical concerns—why should some lawmakers have privileged access to information while the public remains in the dark?
Restoring Public Trust: Michigan ranks far behind other states in transparency—this bill is a step toward restoring ethical governance and rebuilding public confidence in state government.
HB4052 passed 80-28; HB4053 passed 91-17
Committee Update
This week, the Oversight Committee held our first organizational meetings with the Auditor General. I asked many questions regarding how the prioritize audits and how long it takes for audits to be completed. The priorities of the Oversight Committee are starting to take shape:
Illegal Aliens in Michigan: Examining how illegal aliens harm our residents, our economy, our public services, and our local communities as a whole.
Election System Vulnerabilities: Addressing security concerns and strengthening safeguards to ensure fair and transparent elections.
Whitmer’s Failed COVID Response: Investigating her hand in nursing home deaths, shutting down private businesses, closing churches and more.
Nessel’s Abuse of Power: Investigating her use of lawfare to prosecute political opponents, threatening elected officials who don’t agree with her, weaponizing state government against Michigan residents.
What is something you want investigated? Submit at MIOversight.com.
Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter. Please feel free to share this with anyone you’d like to help stay informed. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at JoshSchriver@House.MI.gov.
In God We Trust,
Representative Josh Schriver