“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7
December 10, 2024
Dear Neighbor,
In the political arena, the phrase "lame duck" refers to an elected official or political party that still holds office between the election and the inauguration of their replacement. So, a politician (or party) becomes a “lame duck” when they near the end of their term in office, and their opposition has been elected. Members of the Michigan House of Representatives become lame ducks between the November election and the swearing-in of the New Representatives in January. This period is known as a "lame-duck session," which is a transition period between the old guard and the new.
In Michigan, the current Democrat House majority will turn into a Republican House majority on January 1, 2025. In my personal experience as your Representative, the lame duck period has been a time where bills come in like a snow flurry, forcing quick preparation and analysis on my part prior to voting in your best interest. Some bills are removed at the last minute, while others simultaneously are added. As we near the end of this term, I shall continue to honor my promise to report every single vote I make, along with a reason for each vote.
If you are interested in learning more about how to take action to impact yet-to-be-voted on “Lame Duck” bills for the remainder of 2024, please click this link and feel free to follow me on social media for more frequent updates.
In God We Trust,
Representative Joshua Schriver
For the sake of full transparency and accountability, I am one of only 8 out of 110 State Representatives in Michigan to report every single vote I make with a reason for each vote. There are links at the bottom of this newsletter with an archive of all my votes and reasons since Day 1.
Here are my most recent votes:
HB 5683/5684: Allow Estheticians to Practice the Full Scope of their Profession
(YES) These bills codify the expanded scope of practice for estheticians in Michigan by allowing them to practice all the skills they have learned and trained for during the pursuit of their professional license. The government shouldn’t get in the way of allowing these professionals from practicing the skills they are trained to do.
PASSED 105-2, 104-3
HB 4906: Tax Exemptions for Data Centers
(NO) This policy is a special interest carve out for an industry that is not fair to all Michigan residents and businesses. Giving tax exemptions or lowering taxes for all buisnesses would be a much fairer means to create a better business climate for Michigan, rather than having politicians select narrow groups to gain special benefits that don’t apply to all.
PASSED 64-45
HB 5100/5101: Research and Development Tax Credit Program
(NO) The state shouldn't be giving tax credits for these selected activities. Instead of picking winners and losers, the state should create a business-friendly atmosphere to retain and attract businesses. This program is structured similar to the MEGA Credit program. This is dangerous and has the potential to have a long-lasting negative impact on the state.
HB 4127/4128: Ban on Firearms at Election-Related Locations
(NO) This is an attack on the Second Amendment “right to bear arms.” Americans must reserve this right to defend themselves and other innocent lives when a lawless criminal aims to kill.
HB 4361: Organ Donor Tax Credit
(NO) Instead of providing smaller income tax credits, we should be focused on reducing the income tax rate back down to 3.9%, as was promised by the Legislature and Governor Granholm more than a decade ago. Eliminating the income tax altogether would be even better! Moreover, there are many individuals who are unable to donate organs due to health or other issues. They would not be able to take advantage of this tax credit.
PASSED 85-22
SB 788: Create a “Woman Veteran” License Plate
(NO) We already have license plates to honor our veterans, both male and female.
PASSED 59-49
HB 5400/5401: Creates “Hate Crime” Laws
(NO) This policy assumes “hateful intent”, which leaves much to interpretation. If a Michigan residents commits a crime, it’s a crime, regardless of the criminals feelings of hatred. Moreover, this policy will cause innocent individuals who have committed no crime to be forced into court battles to defend something that was merely interpreted as “hateful” by a sensitive individual.
PASSED 57-52
HB 5013/5435/5436: Mandates Insurers to Cover Birth Control
(NO) In Michigan, and in America as a whole, we have a population crises. We also have an abortion crises. Needless to say, mandating private insurance companies to cover birth control will certainly not help the existential crisis we currently face.
PASSED 57-52
HB 5450/5451: Mandate Schools to Fund Informational Packets on Safe Storage Gun Control
(NO) While it is obviously wise to handle firearms safely, safe storage gun control laws are not constitutional and impossible to for the police to enforce without infringing on the property rights of Michigan residents.
PASSED 56-53
SB 127: Tax Credits for Donations to “Community Foundations
(NO) Instead of crediting new income tax credits that affect a minute group, we should reduce the income tax rate to 3.9% that will provide tax relief to all working Michiganders…or eliminate it altogether. There is no restriction to how these donations could be used. These funds could also be used by these entities to fund campaigns or political organizations.
PASSED 69-40
HB 4224: Eliminating Michigan’s Medicaid Work Requirements
(NO) We need to encourage Michigan residents to work. This bill incentivizes not working. Moreover, government healthcare is a failed experiment and should be transitioned into the private sector rather than expanded within our government.
PASSED 56-53
HB 5651/5652/5653:
(NO) We shouldn’t be restricting participation in this program to hand-picked funds. We need to ensure there is competition and that we aren’t picking and choosing organizations based on anything other than performance and equal representation of the state. Geographically, the state is vastly underrepresented in who can participate in this program. Currently, most funds that qualify are in Southeast Michigan. Evergreen funds should not be able to take a 20% administrative fee on each grant they receive. That is an extremely high percentage for organizations that don’t have to compete for these grants.
PASSED 74-35, 71-38, 71-38
SB 740: Increase Plumber Journeyman/Apprentice Ratios
(NO) Michigan already has a labor shortage, forcing an increase to journeyman/apprentice ratios will make it harder to get work completed in the plumbing profession. Requiring more master/journeyman on jobs will increase costs to both employers. This will increase costs to people hiring plumbers, as ratios will now be required under statute. This bill is a lose/lose.
PASSED 56-53
HB 5164/5165: Makes Michigan Companies (50 or more Employees) Using Offshore Call Centers Ineligible for Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF)
(YES) This policy is “America First.” We should never allow American companies to send American taxpayer funds to companies that outsource their labor to a foreign nation. We need more policies like this to ensure that American taxpayer dollars are used in the best interest of America and her citizens.
HB 4132/4133: Speed Trap Cameras
(NO) This is the latest push by politicians to further solidify a “surveillance state.” Implementing this technology will create a personnel burden on law enforcement, as personnel will be required to monitor and process the video evidence created by the cameras. There is currently no such thing as a “written warning” in Michigan law. It is unclear how this video surveillance system could identify the driver of the vehicle in question. In Michigan, speeding tickets are issued to drivers, not to registered owners of vehicles (drivers are assessed points for speeding violations). It is unclear who will mail tickets to the people cited, which court or courts would handle these tickets, or how out-of-state drivers will be identified. Whoever ensures that the equipment is calibrated and functioning will be required to testify in court when a ticket is challenged and it is unclear who would maintain the video evidence. This data storage will likely be very expensive.
5906-5909: Grant Police Powers to Great Lakes Water Authority
(NO) Current law enforcement authorization is adequate. Moreover, Michigan residents, including individuals that work at water plants, can exercise their Second Amendment, if a situation arises that requires self-defense and/or citizen arrests.
PASSED 95-7, 95-7, 95-7, 96-6
5949-5951: Allow Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Businesses
(YES) If a Michigan resident wants to open his own car sharing business to compete with larger corporations such as “Rent-A-Car”, then he should be able to do with the same legal protection as any other business.
PASSED 101-1
4863-4864: Changes to Probate Laws
(YES) When complex estates and trusts are litigated in the probate court, this policy will help attorneys who specialize in the areas of probate and estate planning better serve their clients.
PASSED 102-0
SB 248: Expand Court-Appointed Support Dogs
(NO) Support dogs, like other resources may have limited availability. Expanding the age cap could potentially lead to difficulties in securing support dogs for the children who need them most.
SB 504: Securitization Charge Exemption for Longterm Industrial Load Rates
(NO) This increases the securitization charge costs for the rest of the ratepayers who aren't exempt under the bill, including residential ratepayers.
PASSED 82-20
4928-4930: School Bus Stop Cameras
(NO) This builds on an already problematic surveillance state. The fine will not provide adequate funding for these systems and therefore schools will continue to not participate in these systems. Convicting someone of a civil infraction by photograph or video is dangerous since these systems could be hacked and individuals could be wrongfully accused.
PASSED 65-39
4027: Purple Star Program Schools
(NO) This policy costs hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to give every child who has a parent in the military with a custom counselor. Adding a costly program to an already complex education system is unnecessary. Schools have teachers, counselors, and peers that should support any new, incoming student…especially if their parent is in the military.
PASSED 100-5
4682: Create Enforceable Property Trespass Laws
(YES) This legislation will provide a clear, attainable and reasonable standard for both property owners and law enforcement so trespassing laws can be enforced as intended.
PASSED 104-1
4944, 4963: Require Insurers to Cover Child Hearing Aids
(NO) Premiums are already high, and child hearing issues are relatively rare. Requiring coverage may increase costs for other enrollees. Moreover, there are new developments in technology that would allow for children to acquire affordable hearing aids without a government mandate on insurance coverage.
PASSED 76-29
SB 982, 983, 984, 1050: Allow AT&T (along with all other companies) the Ability to Change to an LLC
(YES) All telephone companies in Michigan are allowed to do this and have already done this. Companies shouldn’t be prevented from doing this if it has no impact on their service, legal obligations, or tax liability. This could help telephone companies streamline their corporate structure and increase operation efficiency in the best interest of Michigan residents.
PASSED 104-1, 104-1, 104-1, 103-2
5781: Allow Parents Who Invest Money in ABLE Accounts to Withdraw Without Penalty
(YES) Parents who invest their own hard earned money in ABLE Accounts to support their children with disabilities should not be fined for taking out that money to use for their children.
PASSED 102-0
5783, SB 1001: Ease Government Restrictions for Michigan Education Savings Program
(YES) This will provide greater flexibility for what these savings programs can be used for and increase apprenticeship participation in trade schools.
PASSED 102-0
5924: Name Portion of I-94 as “Corporal Mohamed Said Memorial Highway”
(YES) Our law enforcement personnel continually place themselves in danger on behalf of our citizens and state. This highway naming allows us to express our gratitude and appreciate to Officer Mohamed Said and giving his very life in service to the State of Michigan and the City of Melvindale.
PASSED 102-0
5304: Prohibit Trucks from Driving in Left Lane on 3+ Lane Highway
(NO) If trucks seek to use the left lane on a 3+ lane highway to pass, then they should be allowed to do so. This law will create traffic jams when trucks are pulled over simply for using the left lane to pass.
PASSED 85-17